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Silver Medal Award

Honor the Outstanding

The American Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award Program was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. Each year, AAFCM bestows this honor upon an outstanding member of the central Minnesota advertising community.

Silver Medal recipients are selected by a panel of judges that include past club presidents and Silver Medal Award winners. If you wish to nominate an individual for the Silver Medal Award, sign up for our enews and you’ll receive an email later this year. The recipient of the annual AAFCM Silver Medal Award is then announced at our annual awards show.

Aaa 2024 68 136970703 3671883992854659 696880550801277883 N 55453696 2172986686077738 4266807046571032576 N 278619510 5077598605616517 8544014145811400099 N Aaa 2024 68 136970703 3671883992854659 696880550801277883 N 55453696 2172986686077738 4266807046571032576 N 278619510 5077598605616517 8544014145811400099 N Aaa 2024 68 136970703 3671883992854659 696880550801277883 N 55453696 2172986686077738 4266807046571032576 N 278619510 5077598605616517 8544014145811400099 N
Aaa 2024 68 136970703 3671883992854659 696880550801277883 N 55453696 2172986686077738 4266807046571032576 N 278619510 5077598605616517 8544014145811400099 N Aaa 2024 68 136970703 3671883992854659 696880550801277883 N 55453696 2172986686077738 4266807046571032576 N 278619510 5077598605616517 8544014145811400099 N Aaa 2024 68 136970703 3671883992854659 696880550801277883 N 55453696 2172986686077738 4266807046571032576 N 278619510 5077598605616517 8544014145811400099 N

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Silver Medal Winners

The American Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award Program was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. Each year, AAFCM bestows this honor upon an outstanding member of the central Minnesota advertising community.

Silver Medal recipients are selected by a panel of judges that include past club presidents and Silver Medal Award winners. If you wish to nominate an individual for the Silver Medal Award, sign up for our enews and you’ll receive an email later this year. The recipient of the annual AAFCM Silver Medal Award is then announced at our annual awards show.

2024Carrie Karki
2023Jodie Pundsack
2022Corinne Skoog
2021Alison Schroeder
2020Jennifer Lawrence
2019Justin & Josh Gauerke
2018Rick Jensen
2017Keith Christensen
2015Kelly Zaske
2013Scott Mitchell
2012Myron Sahlberg
2011Bill Hatling
2010Joan Dearing
2009Chuck Nelson
2008Monte Morken
2007Gina Nacey
2006Mary Adelman
2005Terry Rothstein ?
2004Steve Palmer
2003Mark/Ann Thelen
2002Bob Brown ?
2001Mike Fanslau
2000Andy Hilger
1999Peg Meyer ?
1998Frank Frush
1997Barb Bemis ?
1993Kent Bolsta?

Do you know of others that aren’t listed or we have incorrectly listed? Please let us know!